Friday, 23 March 2007

Proud...To Be...A Florrrrrrida Gator!

Proud...To Be...A Florrrrrrida Gator!

Today, I'm very proud of my school, the University of Florida. A couple of Jeb appointees tried to give Jeb an honorary degree. The faculty Senate told them to take a hike:

Bush Not To Get UF Degree

Serves him right. As Derek Newton said over at Florida Politics, "What in the hell has Jeb Bush done to deserve anything more than an swift kick in ass?" That's right, an underperforming educational sytem, rising numbers of the uninsured and those in poverty, overcrowded jails, rising violent crime rates, and big tax burdens on the poor and middle class do not a good governor make.

Oh yeah, and... Go Gators!!!

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